5 Anime movies I’d recommend
These type of movies didn’t used to attract as many viewers are they’re starting to get nowadays, in 2020 one movie even made it to be the num 1 movie in the world (in part due to covid locking all… Continue Reading
These type of movies didn’t used to attract as many viewers are they’re starting to get nowadays, in 2020 one movie even made it to be the num 1 movie in the world (in part due to covid locking all… Continue Reading
Vier jaar geleden verscheen de Japanse anime Kimi no Na wa. (Your Name) geschreven en geregisseerd door Makoto Shinkai. Ik zag hem pas voor het eerst dit jaar – op een koude winternacht thuis in de zetel op m’n eentje… Continue Reading
Le titre original du film de Kore-eda, “La Famille des vols à l’étalage” est autrement plus pertinent que le titre dont l’ont affublé les distributeurs français. Au moment où commence le film, un homme entre deux âges propose à sa… Continue Reading
Wes Anderson is terug. De koning van de quirky hipsters heeft een nieuwe ‘stop motion’ film geregisseerd net als in 2009 met zijn adaptie van “Fantastic Mr. Fox”. In Japan in de nabije toekomst is er een uitbraak van hondenaanvallen.… Continue Reading
This animated movie can’t simply be ignored, roughly 350 million box office, it is the biggest anime movie Japan has ever produced, if that’s not enough of an argument to watch it, continue reading. Before I even talk about the… Continue Reading
The lonely samurai story is a popular tale to remake. It has been done a million times and why not? People love it and continue to enjoy them to this day. Of course those movie are not about a samurai,… Continue Reading
The Anima Film Festival is a Belgian curiosity since 1982. Founded by Philippe Moins, the Festival has grown since and became a beautiful meeting place for different styles of animation. This year Anima 2016 will focus on British animation with the… Continue Reading
2015 was a good year for Japan. Even though no movie reached the famous ¥10 billion ($85 million) mark which is the traditional definition of a blockbuster in the Japanese market, the Japanese box office was up 5.2%, to $1.84 billion (¥217.11… Continue Reading
Kids are great. Whenever they want something they will pressure you until you break. Their tactics are cunning and controversial, worthy of the greatest generals. Yhey know your weaknesses: you love them and you would do anything for them. This… Continue Reading